Of interest:


Raffle to benefit Jen and her family

UPDATE (12/22/2012) Raffle is closed and winner has been contacted! Thank you all for entering!

This raffle is to benefit Jen (@Jenners26 on twitter) and her family who have been having a really rough time lately. You have the chance to win one of several prizes (one from my own Etsy shop) which would make a fabulous Christmas/Solstice/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus gift for your children or grandchildren. To enter, simply donate to the family via paypal (which is included below in the Rafflecopter widget) and then leave a comment letting me know you did. You do not HAVE to donate to enter the raffle but as all funds go directly to the family, I think you will.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I can't figure out how to donate. I signed up for paypal to do it. Is there a link?

  2. Just log into paypal, and after you enter your financial info, you click Send Money, and just enter Jenners26@gmail.com as the recipient.
    Thanks Dawn!

  3. I'm donating via PayPal now, and my BIL is doing one as his Christmas gift to me, just FYI in case you get an unclaimed donation! If he enters the raffle, just ignore and redraw if he wins ok?

  4. I'm donating and my BIL is doing one as his gift to me for Christmas.


Spill it!