Of interest:


raising a wild child

We love the outdoors. We don't have a lot of wild place to explore, but I want my Little berry to see that the world is beautiful. She notices the littlest things, a tiny bug, a bee on a leaf, a golden flower smashed underfoot. This week we played under the blossoming trees and built tiny houses for imaginary fairies, butterflies, snails.
I know she doesn't understand the concept of "imaginary," but she concentrates so hard helping. She fetches grasses and sticks with precision, plucks tiny violets and pebbles out of the way, waits for an ant to cross before stepping.
Here is where we started:
And when we finished, we had this tiny teepee of twigs:

capped with a lovely golden flower and a million brilliant rays of sun
Waiting to spin a little mystery into the everyday of some unsuspecting soul.

What have you taken the time to build with your child lately? Next time you're in the park, I challenge you to pause, find a small space, and make a fairy home (take pictures and share them with me if you do!)

1 comment:

  1. We, too, have to find small ways to discover nature right now (although we'll soon be leaving the city and making our home in a more bucolic place). What's wonderful about children is that they can savor the smallest of wonders - like a flower growing from a crack in the asphalt. I'm so thankful they're helping me to notice all the little things.

    Just discovered your lovely blog through the Natural Parenting Carnival and will be adding it to my Google Reader.

    Blessings to you and yours!


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