Of interest:


My city garden

We live in the city. In a cramped two-bedroom apartment with no yard. I wish it were bigger, but it's not, and that's not stopping me. I have- garlic, two tomatoes, a yellow squash, a spearmint, four strawberry plants and a cantelope, rhubarb, a pot of wildflowers, ten basil plants started from seed) and a few soapnut sprouts. I don't have fancy pots and I may have *pilfered* my soil- but I've got what I can.
I also have a clothesline for my clothdiapers and a kiddie pool for little berry all in the same space. Because some things, I cannot compromise for. As a side note- if I'd planned better, I would have completely planted all of these in a deeper kiddie pool. They're $15 (the biggest ones, which is twice as deep as ours) and perfect for the plants I have.

Things I'd like to have but don't, and can make do without- cucumber, bell peppers, and watermelon.
What do you just have to have no matter what? What are you willing to be cramped to hold on to, or to give up other things for?


  1. I'm so spoiled...

    You have done so well making the best of your little space. This makes me so thankful for my large space and wish I could share my space with you and your beautiful little garden.

    The kiddie pool idea is genius! That would be awesome for a square foot garden idea for a small space. You are so creative!

  2. Yes! You are spoiled in that sense! Haha. But I love tending my little garden, Little Berry loves it (strawberries are already on the vines!) and it's good enough for me for now! I do wish I'd started with a kiddie pool. "raised bed" gardens are about $60 and they're still plastic, and the same size! This would be much less.

    Love you my dear SIL.

  3. I was trying to come up with something I couldn't do without, and I can't! As far as my yard, though... roses. I can't do without my roses, if I have a garden to put them in. We have a tiny yard right now, but we still have 9 rose bushes - one of which completely covers our arbor.

    I gave you an award, btw - http://chiarore.blogspot.com/2010/04/earth-week-and-free-hugs.html


Spill it!