Of interest:


Maggie's Soap Nuts winners!!!!

The two winners of the Maggie's Soap Nuts are:

Winner #13,

who was The Milk Maid. She said:
I blogged about this review/giveaway!
(Entry 3)

(a little funny thing- The Random Number Generator picked the Milk Maid as winner #2 as well. I didn't think that was fair so I ran it a third time)
and the second winner is number 29:

who was urban craft. Urban Craft said:

I didn't know that they were from Big Sur, but I used to live in Monterey and went to Big Sur often. I must add that I the people there are amazing. The most environmentally in tune spiritual holistic people you will ever meet. There are so many chemicals in everything we use. Soap nuts are another discovery that needs to be embraced for a healthy lifestyle, along with so many other natural products.

Winners, please email me your mailing information (patrick.marybeth/gmail) so I can pass it on to Maggie's Soap Nuts. Also indicate if you would prefer the soap nut liquid or the actual soap nuts please!

A big thank you to Maggie's Pure Land for sponsoring this review and giveaway and to all of you new and old readers alike for entering. I hope you enjoy your product as much as I did!


1 comment:

  1. The Milk Maid thinks it is totally fair to win twice! HEHEHEHEHE! Thanks!


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