Of interest:


A copy of my birth plan from Little Berry

Due Date: July 31st 2008 (actual day of delivery, Aug 4th)
Labor and Birth Plan of Mamma Pie
I am happy to have the opportunity to deliver at ****, which I believe will allow me to have the most positive natural birth experience possible. I have created the following birth plan to help you understand my preferences for this upcoming experience. I understand that in certain circumstances, these guidelines may need to be altered. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
During delivery, it is our wish that Pappa Starbucks catch the baby if he is feeling up to it, and cut the cord once it has stopped pulsing, unless there appear to be complications regarding her delivery. After delivery, I would like assistance in breastfeeding if the baby is having difficulty latching.
I do not want the presence of visitors and it is our wish that only my husband and I will attend the birth besides **** staff. We have considered the presence and services of a doula, as recommended, but it is my desire to keep outside persons to a minimum and to be attended specifically by Pappa Starbucks, who knows best how to help me relax and what methods serve me best in terms of pain relief. He wants to take an active role in assisting my labor and delivery, and for these reasons, we have decided against a doula.
Early release from the center is a primary reason I chose ****. I believe that I will be best able to recover from delivery in the comfort of my home surroundings, however, I also understand that it is important to ensure that I am well enough, and the baby is healthy enough to return to home environment.
My greatest hopes for labor are:
A feeling of control and comfort in my surroundings, to be able to move about freely and to try various methods of relief to ease the intensity of contractions, including: massage, warm water, a birthing ball, walking, music, different positions, dim lighting, quiet surroundings and minimal intervention, and to be supported by those attending my labor.
My greatest fears regarding labor are:
That I might be uncomfortable in my surroundings or birth setting, that I am unable to relax despite various efforts to do so, that the birth could be stalled or complications occur. I am concerned about the possibility of needing an episiotomy, and would like to avoid having one if possible.
Hours after her birth I was released: 4
Number of stitches needed: 6
Number of hours of labor: 21
Having my baby kept in the room with me and nursing right away- well, it WAS priceless.

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